
Ask a Lawyer

Online Call

Ask a Lawyer Get answers to your small business questions by connecting one-on-one with our Legal Expert! Get advice on incorporating, shareholder/partnership agreements, contracts, liability, intellectual property, buying/selling a business, dispute resolution, debt collection and other legal matters. There will be no cost for expert appointments during this time. Contact via telephone Legal Expert: Allison Rudzitis, McLennan Ross …


Ask a Lawyer

Online Call

Ask a Lawyer Get answers to your small business questions by connecting one-on-one with our Legal Expert! Get advice on incorporating, shareholder/partnership agreements, contracts, liability, intellectual property, buying/selling a business, dispute resolution, debt collection and other legal matters. There will be no cost for expert appointments during this time. Contact via telephone Legal Expert: Allison Rudzitis, McLennan Ross …


Trust in Transactions: Security & Digital Currency Exchanges

Virtual Online

About this Event Major security and privacy breaches in the world of digital currency exchanges have cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars, exposed sensitive information and eroded public trust. However, this emerging branch of fintech is undergoing a necessary transformation towards safer and more trustworthy exchanges with enhanced cybersecurity and new regulatory oversight for …


Trust in Transactions: Security & Digital Currency Exchanges

Virtual Online

About this Event Major security and privacy breaches in the world of digital currency exchanges have cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars, exposed sensitive information and eroded public trust. However, this emerging branch of fintech is undergoing a necessary transformation towards safer and more trustworthy exchanges with enhanced cybersecurity and new regulatory oversight for …


Business Model 101

Virtual Online

In this virtual workshop, we’ll use our favourite tool to map out nine key considerations for your business, product or project idea. By the end of the session, you’ll have clear next steps on how to move your idea forward. This is now a FREE workshop offered twice per week virtually. Upon registration you will …


Business Model 101

Virtual Online

In this virtual workshop, we’ll use our favourite tool to map out nine key considerations for your business, product or project idea. By the end of the session, you’ll have clear next steps on how to move your idea forward. This is now a FREE workshop offered twice per week virtually. Upon registration you will …


Edmonton Data Science

Startup Edmonton HQ 301, 10359 - 104 Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Edmonton Data Science meetup is a place to learn about data science and network with fellow Data Scientists. The presentations for the upcoming meetup include: • TBD Pizza will be provided before presentations and after presentations we will head to a pub for networking! The meetup is sponsored by AltaML ( Wednesday, May 6, 2020 …


Edmonton Data Science

Startup Edmonton HQ 301, 10359 - 104 Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Edmonton Data Science meetup is a place to learn about data science and network with fellow Data Scientists. The presentations for the upcoming meetup include: • TBD Pizza will be provided before presentations and after presentations we will head to a pub for networking! The meetup is sponsored by AltaML ( Wednesday, May 6, 2020 …


Edmonton Data Science Meetup

Startup Edmonton HQ 301, 10359 - 104 Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Details Edmonton Data Science meetup is a place to learn about data science and network with fellow Data Scientists. The presentations for the upcoming meetup include: • TBD Pizza will be provided before presentations and after presentations we will head to a pub for networking! The meetup is sponsored by AltaML ( ---------- Edmonton Data …


Edmonton Data Science Meetup

Startup Edmonton HQ 301, 10359 - 104 Street, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Details Edmonton Data Science meetup is a place to learn about data science and network with fellow Data Scientists. The presentations for the upcoming meetup include: • TBD Pizza will be provided before presentations and after presentations we will head to a pub for networking! The meetup is sponsored by AltaML ( ---------- Edmonton Data …

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