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Career Development Opportunities
Looking to give back to community through coaching or mentoring in our Community Network? You may be someone who would like to share your knowledge, know-how and experience from industry or organizations. You will be able to connect with Protégés or Mentees seeking Mentorship to provide advice to help them enter or reposition careers paths in the New Hybrid Workforce.
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You're now part of our Community Network! Our Meetups are about learning, collaborating and discovering how to start or restart your journeys in new career pathways and opportunities! Every Month we will be hosting a Meetup for our members and their guests! We're open to topic suggestions, speakers and mentors to participate at our monthly Meetup events with Jobseekers, Employers and Educators. Just post it here in the Forum!
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Hybrid learning is still going strong. Learning organizations are adapting to offer both remote and in-place learning again. As a Jobseeker what are your preferences for learning - remote, or in-person or a combination? As an Employer, what are your greatest skill needs? Soft skills such as communications, media and sales or technical skills such as programing, coding and analytics? As an Educator, what courses are you finding the most in demand right now by Jobseekers and by Employers?
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So the summer is here and we're all trying to fit in as much fun time as we can! Maybe a reason why binge watching streaming TV has dropped off - as the sunshine at the beaches, golf courses and sports venues are calling. Speaking of that, there is also a great burst of concerts now back on tour - probably many you have not seen in years! All the local events are back on from entertainment and the arts to sporting events and summer festivals and of course the outdoor restaurant patios! The beer glasses are clinking, wine bottle corks popping and laughter is back in the streets. And of course there is the quieter side of life - biking in the forests, kayaking on the river, or just sitting outside beside your favourite food truck! What are your top 3 activities or must do to catch up on fun right now?
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Hybrid Work Now that we're all back at work, many of you are part-time in person and other times remote working! How's that working out for you? Have you moved to the suburbs, or countryside or are you still a solid urbanite happy living and working in the centre of downtown? Health & Wellness Are you now getting out to mingle with colleagues and friends? What's changed since you went back to work? Travel Turbulence Are you taking in a staycation or venturing out to navigate the skies, or oceans? Share your travel stories with us!
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Looking to give back to community through coaching or mentoring in our Community Network? You may be someone who would like to share your knowledge, know-how and experience from industry or organizations. You will be able to connect with Protégés or Mentees seeking Mentorship to provide advice to help them enter or reposition careers paths in the New Hybrid Workforce.
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Looking for ways to advance your career pathway or to enter the workforce? Connect with experienced people in your field of interest on our Mentors Forum! A Mentor connection can help you navigate and explore your career opportunities as a strategic way to help you to get a good start - to enter or reposition your learning or career path in the New Hybrid Economy
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Question of the Week
You're now part of our Community Network! Have any Questions or Comments on any of the posts in the Forum? Just post your answer to any of the questions or start your own question of the week here!
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Arts, Entertainment, and Sports
AI has enabled the advancement of augmented reality (AR) virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) in how we experience the Arts and sports. Technology has made it possible to experience what elite athletes do and achieve through sensors - virtually. From skiing to hockey, to snowboarding and paragliding. Share your ideas and experiences!
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- 5 years, 6 months ago
Home and Office Hubs
Imagine and share with us your ideal hybrid work environment! Now that summer is here and where's your favourite place to network or meetup?
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- 4 years, 3 months ago
Ask questions and share ideas on how to position your career pathway! Have you checked out FORWARDXYZ on this site?
- It's a free navigation tool for Jobseekers to help you align your capabilities and interests to a potential occupation!
- Employers can post their jobs and if you are a match it will pop up!
- Educators can post their courses and if a job pops up that matches, so will the skills needed and the courses for those skills if you do not have them.
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- 6 years, 6 months ago
Food feeds the soul. This is the time now to share your craving for the food you miss the most. Yes favourite places to dine, drink and just hang out for coffee. During this time do you do pickup or delivery? Share!
- Best Coffee
- Best Lounge
- Favourite Comfort Food
- Favourite Ethnic Food
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- 6 years, 6 months ago
Health and Wellness
Healthcare will be shifting with technology to enable patent driven healthcare models. COVID has accelerated that by even how we self monitor and self disclose to get testing.
- Has COVID impacted your mental well being?
- Share your experiences with how you are coping with the changes, and share new ideas and technologies you would like to discuss or get feedback!
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- 2 years, 6 months ago
Ask questions and share ideas on how to position your learning pathway! Have you checked out FORWARDXYZ on this site?
- It's a free navigation tool for Jobseekers to help you align your capabilities and interests and skills to a potential occupation!
- If you don't have all the skills, you may be able to learn future skills through courses that pop up on your matches!
- Educators can post their courses and if a job pops up that matches, so will the skills needed and the courses for those skills if you do not have them.
- You can also ask a Mentor on our site for a consult! Just register yourself as a Protege!
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- 6 years, 6 months ago
Adventures and Travel
Adventures into the wild yonder hankering at you? Yes COVID and travel are not the best combination for carefree travel. After months of being hunkered down in one place people get restless, and are thinking and planning for their next getaway!
- Will that be to the desert, the ocean or just your tranquil cabin in the woods?
- Or maybe rock climbing or hiking in getting back to nature.
- Yes we want your travel trivia on up and coming plans!
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- 6 years, 6 months ago
Ask questions and share ideas on the types of courses that you and / or your employer would like to see in future up skilling and training! Have you checked out FORWARDXYZ on this site?
- Educators can post their courses and if a job pops up that matches your profile, and so will the skills needed and the courses for those skills if you do not have them.
- Jobseekers, Career Navigators and Employers can post your wishes or comments on courses to Educators on this Forum here! Yes they will be looking for suggestions. This is the Ask Me Anything to Educators!
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- 6 years, 6 months ago
Mobility, Transport, and Logistics
COVID and Geopolitics has affected both Mobility, Transport and Logistics. As discussed at our GENXYZ THRIVES conference in Panel Session 1 (See Speaker Series on our site) everyone has had to shift. Supply chains in all industry sectors have shifted and have accelerated the need for artificial intelligence in logistics, mobility and transport of goods.
- Take Uber as an example of mobility - where people no longer need to commute with remote work.
- Take Amazon as a key example where online shopping to shipping and logistics is king.
- Shopify is another example where retailers a flocking to enable their online e-commerce.
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- 6 years, 6 months ago
Career Development Opportunities