
Latest Past Events

ESIO TNT – Screen Industry

Virtual Online

January 28th – ESIO TNT I hope!  We're working with our friends from the screen industries to co-host a fun evening that also informs us on all the great investments the ESIO is making into our local screens industry. Startup TNT Thursdays from 6-9 pm on TNT Discord Channel


Turn your expertise into a business – the first four steps

Virtual Online

If you’re thinking of turning your expertise into a business or you’re struggling to get off the ground, there are four steps that will help you decide what you can do and get you there faster. Neville Chamberlain, the creator of the Tornado Method, will walk you through the first four milestones you have to …


What is BitCoin?

Virtual Online

About this Event Bitcoin is a rare example where the first iteration of a technology has kept its dominance – it’s still by far the most successful use-case for blockchain technology. Why hasn't bitcoin gone the way of MySpace? This special presentation is designed to help the average person understand what makes bitcoin especially important …

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