
Latest Past Events

Masterclass on Cleantech Investing

Virtual Online

Join us for this masterclass on cleantech investing by some of Canada's leading investors. About this Event Are you looking into investing in cleantech or building a cleantech company? As part of the Alberta Cleantech Investment Summit event line-up, grab a cup of coffee and join our event partners and participating angels and ventures, for insight into …


Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future of Civic Tech in Canada

Virtual Online

Join us as technology veteran Jean-Marc La Flamme shares his perspectives on the past, present and future of Civic Tech in Canada. Jean-Marc has been on the front lines of innovation for 25 years, digitally transforming government, industries, startups, non-profits and rural communities using Canadian tech. Jean-Marc will also discuss civic engagement platforms in Canada …


Talent Programs for Growth-Stage Entrepreneurs

Virtual Online

Please join us to hear from our featured panelists on talent programs available to support local growing tech companies. About this Event The February Rainforest Connector will feature panelists speaking about government support programs to help growth and startup stage entrepreneurs access talent to grow their companies. By registering, you will hear an update on …

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