
Winter Revenge 2020 – Race Expo

River Valley Revenge

Friday views. Is it the weekend yet? Circle the weekend of January 19th for Winter Revenge 2020. Race Expo and package pickup is the same day as the race to …

Winter Revenge 2020 – Race Expo

River Valley Revenge

Friday views. Is it the weekend yet? Circle the weekend of January 19th for Winter Revenge 2020. Race Expo and package pickup is the same day as the race to …

TNT Summit!

Virtual Online

TNT Summit We’re raising $150,000 for two local tech companies in Calgary & Edmonton, while also training new investors to become confident angels. YYC & YEG | 19.11.2020 All figures …


Space Settlement Entrepreneur Competition 2021

Virtual Online

Space Settlement Entrepreneur Competition: Develop a private space company decades into the future! About this Event Audience: High-school and Undergraduate-college students The SSEC is an online (virtual) competition for high-school …

40$ – 50$

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