After being awed at the viewing of a Douglas Cardinal Architect building – created with curved rather than square walls, Tegan at 16 years old knew what she wanted to do.
In Episode 1, Tegan shares personal insights as to how she first followed her brain (great math acumen) into engineering – thinking that engineers were needed to construct the buildings.
During her career journey, she soon discovered that to realize her vision to develop creative real estate projects, she needed to follow her heart (creative passion) and explore learning about design and architecture. Only after many years in the work force and learning from experience Tegan realized that it was the role of owner / developers who set the vision on the programming, design and feel of the projects. This was her eureka moment, and where she has shifted her focus currently – as real estate owner and developer.
About Tegan Martin-Drysdale

Tegan is the owner and founder of Ocheller and the RedBrick Group of Companies. A LEED accredited civil engineer, Tegan has broad experience in how buildings come together from the perspectives of the designer, architect, contractor and supplier all the way through to the client. She has first-hand experience in structural engineering and project management of mixed use, commercial, and residential projects.
Tegan co-founded Homestead, a new co-working space in Edmonton’s downtown. was past President of IDEA, the Infill Development in Edmonton Association, past co-chair for Make Something Edmonton, and past Community Co-Chair of the Next Gen Committee.