
An Emerging Future of Mind & Machine?

Are You Positioning Pre-emptively for the Future of Work?

FutureCite: Mind and Machine
As AI rumbles towards and beyond AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASI (Artificial Sentient Intelligence), strategies need to rapidly shift from prescriptive to pre-emptive.

Is the trend to “AI-native” solutions driven by an ability to integrate AI innovations without extensive overhauls?  Will this leave companies with legacy infrastructure as outliers, and widen skill gaps in human know-how, and knowledge? Will these companies be able to build new infrastructure as they create new AI tools fast enough?

What’s the impact on the future of the human workforce?

It’s happening faster than what the pundits predicted.  To give you an idea of the accelerated impact of AI, interviewed Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman of Sinovation Ventures.   His company (whose version of Chat GPT)  hit unicorn status inside of 8 months.

Said Kai-Fu: “50% of jobs will be displaced by AI within 3 years”.

Here’s the interview link: ( Youtube
What did we hear from leaders and attendees at Collision 2024?

“In fact, Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures suggested that his team has actively avoided anything that could become “roadkill” as large language models like that of OpenAI progress further.”

But AI will not be able to replicate the human  workforce completely – YET!
Collision 2024
Said Khosla:

“OpenAI and Google aren’t going to build a structural engineer. They’re not going to build a primary care doctor or a mental health therapist,” he said. “So there are so many areas for [founders to mine]. But they have to look at where the models are going next year and five years from now, and say, ‘We want to leverage that capability.’” (Techcrunch Collision 2024)

What did we hear in the hallways and rooms at Collision?

What was the chatter at financing tables, at booths, mentor sessions, and whispers in the aisles?  Post Khosla’s Collision interview, the assumption that AI will be embedded and ubiquitous in everything and everywhere is not that far reaching. Conversations “in the air” weighed on differentiation, and tech and market lifespan in verticals.


Will humans keep up with AI?

Companies can also maximize their impact by not only developing AI-native products but also embedding these innovations into existing products. (Source:

Wait, there’s still the “elephant in the room”– how to close the widening gap between mind (humans) and machines in the Future of Work.  This is the “elephant” that slows down the effective and efficient adoption of AI innovations.

Said Jim Covello GS Head of Global Equity Research: “He’s also doubtful that AI will boost the valuation of companies that use the tech, as any efficiency gains would likely be competed away, and the path to actually boosting revenues is unclear, in his view. And he questions whether models trained on historical data will ever be able to replicate humans’ most valuable capabilities.” Goldman Sachs

Humans and machines still need each other…for now… to bridge a widening skill gap

Are there options to the AI-native only solutions?  Yes, a hybrid of levering and embedding AI with the deep integration of human know-how and knowledge. Without the integration of deeper human industry experience and knowledge, AI-native solutions become “really a light wrapper on today’s model” that won’t survive.

So how will humans adapt to work alongside their automated team mates – in both physical and virtual worlds?

Leaning in to answer this requires one to wear many different hats.  Why? To answer the what, how, and how fast will humans be able to bridge  – not only the know-how and knowledge gaps, but as well, as the dynamic shift to new skill demands to work in synchronization with machines beyond AGI.

Why Now?

Don’t we have the luxury of time?  What’s the urgency?

Let’s just pause for a moment and go back to Kai-Fu’s statement, “that 50% of jobs will be displaced by AI within 3 years”. ( Youtube
Now add to this sense of urgency, the exponential rate at which AI continues to evolve.

AI can now has end to end capability in manufacturing. Yes, you heard correctly!

“Now Xiaomi has a self-optimizing autonomous factory that will make 10M+ phones a year. ”  (

Weibo / New Altas
Said in Weibo post:

“the 100% self-developed ‘Xiaomi Pengpai Intelligent Manufacturing Platform’ is the brain of the factory, injecting soul into the factory, allowing the entire factory to have self-perception, self-decision-making, and self-execution capabilities, and can independently diagnose equipment problems, improve process flows, and realize full-scenario digital management from raw material procurement to delivery, becoming a true smart factory that can evolve by itself.” (

Did you blink?  This impacts all human society and the Future of Work (as we know it for now)!

Even humans with deep tech experience will need to have deep industry / vertical knowledge to thrive in the new AI economy as AGI continues to rumble ahead.

Adding to the widening talent gap is the current workforce challenge – labour talent shortfalls in key sectors of the economy: 40% of the construction and 30% of the healthcare workers will be retiring at the end of this decade.

Are you stuck in the past?

Over 20 years ago, lifetime careers existed. Not anymore!

Companies then relied on CVs for 2 way matches (of the post-industrial era) to hire Candidates who had a lifetime to earn on the job. Not anymore!

Due to shorter career lives and new skill demands rising in step with AI and automation, skill gaps will continue to widen.

As of July 2024, “Intuit is planning to lay off 1,800 employees, or 10% of its workforce, only to rehire approximately 1,800 new people in engineering, product, and customer facing positions, Intuit said Wednesday. The Mountain View, California-based firm will also be shuttering its Boise, Idaho and Edmonton, Alberta locations, which together housed 250 employees.” (

Companies today need Candidates to have the right skills for the right roles on Day 1, and need Course Creators to bridge skill gaps.

But the workforce development models still in use from the post-industrial era are not closing skill gaps fast enough!

To start closing skill gaps efficiently and effectively, it takes more than just an AI tool or adding an AI-native wrapper around legacy infrastructure. Companies today need to go beyond the 1950s industrial era model of matching just of Candidates, and Careers.  Missing is the integrated role of the Course Creator. who will need real-time information for courses to align with new skill demands of Companies.

What is FutureCite doing in “Redefining Education” in the Future of Work?

New models are needed to close the gap between the human “Minds and Machines”!

Our vision “Building a Better World for Tomorrow by Bridging Skill Gaps Today”, brings together all three categories of Candidates, Companies and Course Creators, in one AI-powered platform.

Differentiated from other models, FutureCite’s proprietary AI, personalizes and captures clean data in a real-time match.  No need to clean data,. No need for CVs, Job and Course forms.  Just answer questions!

  • This saves Companies time and costs in closing the skill gaps better and faster to improve retention.
  • This enables Candidates to enter or re-enter or switch occupations by discovering best fit matches to Careers, Courses and Companies in one platform.
  • This enables Course Creators to create skill deliverables to match new skill demands of Companies.
At the Collision 2024  Global Technology Conference in Toronto, Canada,, FutureCite was recognized as an IMPACT Company in the Future of Work (SDG 4 Quality Education and SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth).



Even though FutureCite  was located in the Collision Exhibit Booth Section for HR & Recruiting, FutureCite was selected to share our story on the Showcase Stage as an IMPACT company under the Collision theme of “Redefining Education”!  

So what did we share on the Showcase Stage?
FutureCite at Collision Showcase
Problem: Workforce Development in the Age of AI

In the post-industrial 2-way match model of just Companies and Candidates

  • Companies face higher costs to recruit and retain pre-qualified candidates
  • Candidates can’t enter or re-enter the workforce, or change jobs without bridging skill gaps–hitting hardest on the underemployed, students and skilled newcomers, and
  • Course Creators are missing company real-time skill demand information to bridge skill gaps

And today AI generated CVs can game CV filters can generate decision bias in recruitment and course enrolment – causing higher costs and turnover.  And new AI wrappers are still working with data that needs to be “cleaned”.

Solution: Shift from the post-industrial 2-way recruit model to a 3-way, pre-emptive retention model  – that  personalizes matches with Candidates, Careers & Courses in one AI-powered platform.

FutureCite’s B2B SaaS solution personalizes the match of Candidates to best fit Careers, Companies and Courses –  capturing real-time clean data, and without CVs or Job or Course Forms.  All Candidates, Companies and Course Creators need to do is answer questions:

  •  at pre-recruitment for candidate to career, company and community fit and
  • at pre-enrollment for course fit
Value Proposition: Close Mind to Machine Gaps –  Better and Faster for a Sustainable Human Future
  • Companies save time and costs– to recruit and retain pre-qualified Candidates
  • Course Creators gain retention and new revenues, and real-time skill demand info for course updates – to bridge skill gaps better and faster
  • Candidates simplify search to find best fit careers, companies, and course choices to bridge skill gaps – to get hired, and stay hired
Stay tuned for our next FutureCite Connector Series – when we bring together Fireside Chats with key Companies, Course Creators and Candidates! 
Join us to “Build a Better World for Tomorrow by Bridging Skill Gaps Today!

Together we can redefine education by personalizing the future of work journey – for you and organizations.

The Entrepreneur’s Journey from Sunset to Sunrise









From sunrise to sunset, entrepreneurs, are always switched on. Having a moments by the water to decant by nature, listening to the waves, conversations with colleagues, and making new friends replenishes body, mind and soul.

From Collision 2024 to Web Summit 2025









Our journey to bridge “mind and machine” has “only just begun ♫”!
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