The mantra nowadays is “The Future is Here” ! In real life however, there are certain things that take time for citizens, communities and companies to adapt to changes – how they live and their lifestyles. Even though IOT (Internet of Things) devices have been on the radar for some time, they have now come of age where they will no doubt impact our home and work life – a bonus especially for people who seek to simplify and not complicate their ever increasingly busy lives.
Why the shift in cultural attitudes towards IOT? Yes the target market demographic cohort has broadened to be more inclusive – in other words not just the “Tech Geeks, but everyday people who are not yet familiar with programming or coding.
Due to the complexity of the learning curve, many of the past devices were geared for the “Tech Geeks” or early adopters. And secondly, there was the cost of the devices and the constantly changing versions of IOT that did not connect with other IOT devices that you use in your every life.

Now with the recent advent of mainstream access to more affordable IT infrastructure, AI platforms and needed improvements and updates to regulatory barriers, innovative companies are now able to focus and service a broader and larger demographic consumer market – busy everyday people who want affordable devices with features that are easy to operate and that connect to their other devices – wirelessly! Yes, IOT has “Switched On” Future Living & Lifestyle conveniences for you!
And so as the story is told by Levven when they decided to change the playing field by “Making intelligent buildings available to everyone”.

In Episode 1, Marv Verlage, VP Sales & Marketing of Levven, shares insights on how wireless switches will change features in the home building industry, and how Levven approached integrating IOT as a value added benefit at no extra cost to end consumers! In short, no wiring for switches needed in new homes = no extra costs + convenience + flexibility for new homeowners.
Even the U.S. electrical code will enable the use of these wireless switches in 2020! Marv tells us about the impact of upcoming changes!

And so what about the home builders? Are they game for integrating IOT?
Will they be part of the scene to “Switch On” their clients and homeowners to IOT?

We talked to Kris Beyer, President of Launch Homes who gave us a glimpse as to how they have just started to integrate Levveb wireless switches into their new homes.
Stay tuned for Episode 2 on Making IOT Ubiquitous – More Flexibility for Future Living and Lifestyle changes!
About Levven

Levven was co-founded by partners James Kierstead & Marvin Verlage. With two decades of experience as a development and contract manufacturer, Levven has a 30-year history in the high-tech electronics industry. From our beginning in 1983 as a “Centre for Engineering Excellence” within the University of Alberta, the Company has evolved and expanded into a vibrant, market-focused manufacturer. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, their team specializes in the design, manufacturing, and sales of simple, affordable controls – working with professional contractors, distributors, and OEMs to help create responsive spaces for everyday people. Levven Controls and Levven Audio are the result of our passion and drive to improve the lives of people around the world.
About Marv Verlage

As Vice President Sales & Marketing and Partner at Levven, Marv is responsible for product vision, systems strategies, and customer service. He was the founder and President of Martech Marketing, a respected and successful outsourced sales company serving manufacturers in the electrical industry – growing Martech into a nation-wide company. Marv was a member of TEC Canada, a peer-advisory organization.
About James Kierstead

As President at Levven, James is responsible for managing the vision and growth of Levven Electronics, developing and executing long-term corporate strategies, and building relationships with partners, stakeholders and investors. He is a life-long entrepreneur with a commitment to innovation, excellence and enhancing people’s lives. Prior to founding Levven, he and partners founded Blue Falls Manufacturing, maker’s of Arctic Spas and expanded its footprint to over 30 countries.
James is an active member and contributor to several entrepreneur organizations including Entrepreneurs’ Organization, the A100, Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, and Rainforest Alberta.
About Kris Beyer

Kris Beyer, as President at Launch Homes, he is a third generation family owned and operated business, with over 60 years in the residential construction industry. Kris’s passion is building high quality, custom and unique homes. For Kris, the “Standard” just isn’t good enough!