John started Spot, a virtual dog walking App years ago! After several iterations of his App created by his remote work team of 2, he’s in the black and ready to scale. In this Episode 4 we chat to John about his recent success in securing investment for Spot!
Now that John has built up traction for his venture “Spot”, it recently received its first early stage investment to scale the company, and experienced advisors on board to provide suggestions on geographic market expansion! As John knows more about the Spot dog walking biz than his advisors, what decisions will he take from his Advisors, and move forward with in his growth strategy? Will he take their advice? Check out his story!
About John Minchin
John Minchin is the founder and CEO of Spot Dog Walking. As a solo-founder and operator, John bootstrapped Spot to over $1M in revenue. John knows all about the struggles of founding a startup, he racked up $80,000 in personal credit-card debt to fund Spot’s early days, walked 427 customer dogs before Spot could reliably balance supply and demand, and went 2 years without a day off while single handedly fielding customer support from 8:00am – 9:00pm, 7-days per week! John is an expert in customer service, product design, and workplace efficiency, and credits the majority of Spot’s success to his wrinkly companion and unofficial co-founder Debbie, the pug.
About Spot
Spot is Canada’s only on-demand dog walking app and guarantees walker arrival in under 90-minutes or the walk is FREE!