So you just had a Eureka Moment or idea and decided to do a startup with a friend or colleague! Maybe you attended an accelerator or boot camp to find out whether or not it was for you. A few months down the road or maybe even a year, you may also find that the adrenaline rush of being your own boss may have changed.

Jonathan’s startup took off with a vertical trajectory – doing a kickstarter campaign and building his first MVP prototypes and then the real product!
So what can change? Check out what Jonathan did when unforeseen developments happened and changed his focus and direction in Episode 2.
Stay tuned for Episode 3 when we chat with Jonathan about building his second team!
About Jonathan Mui

Jonathan is a graduate of NAIT DMIT (Digital Media & IT) and the Founder & CEO of Agriolabs. From his experience in aquaponics, world class kitchens, and 3D modelling to getting an education in user experience, founding Agriolabs was an obvious next step from working at “just a job”.
About Agriolabs
Agriolabs is a company in the startup/scaleup stage focused on creating innovative solutions for growing food at home. Agriolabs creates a line of modular grow boxes that can be arrange to fit into the customers environment and offer them a hassle free, commitment free, and clean food growing experience. Whether it’s in their living room shelf, or in an extra kitchen cabinet.