
New Construction Era – Are You Ready?

Upskill & Reskill? Episodes 3 & 4

Technology innovation is changing the speed at which industries are evolving!  Even in traditional sectors like Construction, and Energy.  If you are in the trades or are going into the Trades, the time to think about navigating or advancing your career is now – before the jobs are even posted!

If you’re thinking of entering the Trades as an entry role, or even changing your career with opportunities to advance or transition occupations.  Yes there are labour shortages in the trades across Canada & N. America, with 40% of the workforce retiring, and with AI automation appearing in the tools that are and will be used in the trades, it’s changing the game and playing field within the next five years!  Take a quick peak in case you missed Episodes 1 and 2 below:

Now to learn more about how to get started, Kathleen Courtier who was on our panel with Jen Hancock and Sarah Styles in Episodes 1 and 2, provides information on courses and microcredentials focused in advancing trades into construction careers in the renewables energy sector.  NOTE!  In Episode 2, Sarah Styles talks about the 14,000 jobs in construction and operations that will be created!

In this Episode 3, below Kathleen Courtier transitioned with an Arts background into Business Development at Lakeland College.  She shares her perspectives and advice on how people looking at the trades or thinking about transitioning by upskilling and reskilling to advance their construction.


In this Episode 4 below, If you/re curious about the courses in hydrogen, solar and biofuels at Lakeland College, Kathleen provides examples of all the options while working full time on upskilling and reskilling into careers to get prequalified to apply for new occupations or to transition to new emerging occupations in different sectors.


About Kathleen Couturier

Kathleen is the Coordinator for Sustainable Energy Technology at Lakeland College https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/.   She brings an education focus on micro-credential courses including renewable energy, upskilling training, to hydrogen, geothermal, & solar – to attain certificate to diploma programs.



In the Trades or thinking of entering and exploring more?

Keep a watch for upcoming episodes on the “must have” and “transferable” skills in the new era of construction, project management and design!

In Upcoming Episode 5: Jen Hancock, Vice Chair Alberta Construction Association http://albertaconstruction.net/  shares additional insights on the jobs and occupations and skills that you may want to learn about to enter or transition into the Construction Sector.

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