As a result of a life changing hit and run experience, Mike Zouhri discovered that navigating Alberta’s complex legal system for personal injury claims was both challenging and expensive.
He then decided to automate the personal injury settlement services to address an unmet need and to resolve his case in the process launched Painworth. So what attracts users to try out this online AI enabled tool?
In Episode 2, Michael talks about the benefits and the current features in their private beta launch for people who register for automated personal injury settlement services.
Painworth users are usually people with injury claims whose settlement payments may fit into a proposed settlement range of less than $100,000.
Some users may not yet have legal representation. The ones that already have legal representation use Painworth to estimate the value of the claim that they may be entitled to claim.
Yes, he is talking about sizing up your personal injury settlements!
Stay tuned for Episode 3 to find out about Painworth users’ feedback, and to find out what Michael is planning for his next stages following his private beta launch.
About Michael Zouhri
Michael Zouhri is an Edmonton based entrepreneur who has previously won several awards including top 40 under 40, and a 2012 Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. He is deeply community minded and regularly involves himself with projects that are interesting, creative, and advance the social good. Mike is the Founder & Chief Product Officer of Painworth.
About Painworth
PainWorth seeks to streamline and simplify injury law by automating personal injury settlements. When a victim is injured, they can use the software to assess, calculate and settle their own injury claim. The system uses data science to ensure a more accurate settlement that is both faster and cheaper than other methods.