Simon O’Byrne, SVP Global Community Development, Stantec, presented actual AI and 5G infrastructure enabled projects for cities in preparation for the mainstream adoption of autonomous vehicles in society as part of his inspiring and informative Keynote for the GENXYZ THRIVES Conference (See GENXYZ THRIVES Keynote_Simon O’Byrne_Arrival of the Jetson Citizenry). He provides insights that enable us to Futureproof our Society for the New Normal Economy, Environment and Society!

In this Episode 1, we focus on the Q&A following his keynote, where Simon answers questions lobbed at him by our effervescent Conference Host, Brent Jensen: What it will take to enable autonomous vehicles to operate as a mainstream mode of mobility and transportation, using Alberta, Canada as an example. Simon explains what future AI enabled infrastructure projects are underway for smart cities. To enable that to happen we also need connectivity. He touches on the benefits & limitations of 5G connectivity (explained fully in Part 2 of his Keynote).
Are we now a giant step closer to a futuristic society of science fiction? Are we now more accepting to adopt technology that is evolving how we live, work and play? Has AI, accelerated by COVID 19, ushered us into the “Arrival of the Jetsons Citizenry”? Even if we are not quite yet there, what will it take to move to the next level of preparing our communities & cities for autonomous vehicles?

Stay tuned for Episode 2 with Simon on the upside for Alberta’s economy to having TransPod (high-speed tube transportation) between Calgary and Edmonton.
About Simon O’Byrne

Simon O’Byrne is both an award-winning urban designer/planner and Senior Vice President of Stantec’s global Community Development business. As a city building expert, he has been frequently quoted in European and North American media and has done many keynote talks on both continents. Simon is very active in the community and has chaired many different initiatives and organizations, such as the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Vibrancy Task Force, Habitat for Humanity National Leadership Council, Winter Cities and the Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation. He has also been named as one of Edmonton’s Power 30 by the Edmonton Journal, one of the fifty most influential Albertans by Alberta Venture and was in Avenue magazine’s first Top 40 Under 40 list.
About Stantec
Communities are fundamental. Whether around the corner or across the globe, they provide a foundation, a sense of place and of belonging. That’s why at Stantec, we always design with community in mind. We care about the communities we serve—because they’re our communities too. This allows us to assess what’s needed and connect our expertise, to appreciate nuances and envision what’s never been considered, to bring together diverse perspectives so we can collaborate toward a shared success. We’re designers, engineers, scientists, and project managers, innovating together at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships. Balancing these priorities results in projects that advance the quality of life in communities across the globe. Stantec trades on the TSX and the NYSE under the symbol STN